In the 80's began to be raised a real estate investment in Jurere town, the people saw an spot and a wonderful place with the spirit and the name from the first world. Since then Jurere International, became one of the most exclusives and luxurious points of Florianópolis and Brazil.
A beatiful Beach, with calmed and clean waters, with totally urban glided structures and luxurious residential areas , with gorgeous summer houses developed to really enjoy the summer seasons and why not, the whole year.
Jurere has an excellent infrastructure, bars, clubs, stores, hotels, sophisticated restaurants to taste the most exquisite foods, wines and cocktails. Bars are located all around the coast, among others exquisite and wonderful services. Convertibles, sportcars, celebrities and helicopters, are usually seen around any minute.
This wonderful locality is one of the jewels of Brazil. The beach of Jurere International, has just being distinguished by the Foundation For Enviromental Education (FEE) with the “Blue Flag” the first Blue Flag beach of South America. In order to receive this award, the candidates must fulfill diverse criterias in the areas of environmental education, information and security signs, as well as high quality test of the water and the coastal environment. A Blue Flag validate the beach for a year, and has to be renewed for its validation every year. The FEE is composed by a network of 59 countries around the world.
Come an visit, enjoy the nature, enjoy the parties, taste a glance of the excusite life style that few people can actually live in a lifetime.